:Base AUTOMATE.HLP>concfull :Title ABC OLE Automation Help 1 Introducing ABC OLE Automation 2 ABC OLE Automation 3 Welcome to ABC OLE Automation=IDH_Welcome_to_ABC_OLE_Automation 3 Overview=IDH_Introduction_Chapter 2 Sample Files and Demos 3 Running and Viewing the Sample Files=IDH_Running_and_Viewing_the_Sample_Files 3 Deployment Wizard=IDH_Deployment_Wizard 3 Double Click and Delete Events Demo=IDH_Double_Click_and_Delete_Events_Demo 3 Double Click Line Draw Sample=IDH_Double_Click_Line_Draw 3 Excel Data Sample=IDH_Excel_5_0_Data_Sample 3 Field Change Notify Sample=IDH_Field_Change_Notify 3 Menus Sampler=IDH_Menus_Sampler 3 Move Event Demo=IDH_Move_Event_Demo 3 Organizational Chart Generator=IDH_Organizational_Chart_Generator 3 VC++/MFC Events Sample=IDH_VC_MFC_Events_Sample 3 Network Database Sample=IDH_Network_Database 3 Text on Lines Sample=IDH_Text_on_Lines 2 Help 3 Using the Help System=IDH_Using_the_Help_System 3 Jumping to Visual Basic Help=IDH_Jumping_to_Visual_Basic 3 Accessing ABC OLE Automation Help from ABC FlowCharter help=IDH_Accessing_from_this_Help 3 Accessing ABC OLE Automation Help from Visual Basic=IDH_Accessing_from_Visual_Basic 3 To access ABC OLE Automation Help from Excel=IDH_To_access_from_Excel_50>procedur 3 To access ABC OLE Automation Help from the Explorer=IDH_To_access_from_File_Manager>procedur :include winhlp32.cnt 1 Tips and What's New 2 Speeding Up Actions=IDH_Speeding_Actions 2 What's New=IDH_What_s_New 1 Visual Basic Concepts 2 Introduction to Programming=IDH_Introduction_to_Programming 2 Objects in Visual Basic=IDH_Objects_in_Visual_Basic 2 Properties in Visual Basic=IDH_Properties_in_Visual_Basic 2 Methods in Visual Basic=IDH_Methods_in_Visual_Basic 2 Events in Visual Basic=IDH_Events_in_Visual_Basic 1 Writing a Program 2 The Visual Basic Programming Environment 3 The Visual Basic Programming Environment Overview=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Programming_Environment 3 The Visual Basic Main Window=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Main_Window 3 The Visual Basic Tool Bar=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Tool_Bar 3 The Visual Basic Project Window=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Project_Window 3 The Visual Basic Form Window=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Form_Window 3 The Visual Basic Toolbox=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Toolbox 3 The Visual Basic Properties Window=IDH_The_Visual_Basic_Properties_Window 2 Creating a Visual Basic Application 3 Creating a Visual Basic Application Overview=IDH_Creating_a_Visual_Basic_Application 2 Designing a Form 3 Designing a Form Overview=IDH_Designing_a_Form 3 Setting a Form's Properties=IDH_Setting_a_Form_s_Properties 3 Standard Controls=IDH_Standard_Controls 3 Drawing a Control=IDH_Drawing_a_Control 3 Resizing a Control=IDH_Resizing_a_Control 3 Moving a Control=IDH_Moving_a_Control 3 Deleting a Control=IDH_Deleting_a_Control 3 Copying or Cutting a Control=IDH_Copying_or_Cutting_a_Control 3 Aligning Controls=IDH_Aligning_Controls 3 Setting Control Properties=IDH_Setting_Control_Properties 2 Writing Code 3 Adding Code to Controls=IDH_Adding_Code_to_Controls 3 Adding Code to Forms=IDH_Adding_Code_to_Forms 3 Writing Code in Event Procedures=IDH_Writing_Code_in_Event_Procedures 3 Writing Code in General Procedures=IDH_Writing_Code_in_General_Procedures 3 Writing Startup Code=IDH_Writing_Startup_Code 2 Using Procedures and Methods 3 Using Procedures Overview=IDH_Using_Procedures 3 Sub Procedures=IDH_Sub_Procedures 3 Function Procedures=IDH_Function_Procedures 3 Executing Methods=IDH_Executing_Methods 2 Understanding Data Types and Variables 3 Understanding Data Types Overview=IDH_Understanding_Data_Types 3 Numeric Data Types=IDH_Numeric_Data_Types 3 String Data Type=IDH_String_Data_Type 3 Variant Data Type=IDH_Variant_Data_Type 3 Declaring Object Variables=IDH_Declaring_Object_Variables 2 Setting and Retrieving Properties with Code 3 Setting and Retrieving Properties with Code Overview=IDH_Setting_and_Retrieving_Properties_with_Code 3 Setting Form Properties=IDH_Setting_Form_Properties 3 Setting Control Properties=IDH_Setting_Control_Properties2 3 Setting ABC Object Properties=IDH_Setting_ABC_Object_Properties 3 Retrieving Properties=IDH_Retrieving_Properties 1 Running and Setting Up ABC 2 Controlling ABC 3 Starting ABC=IDH_Starting_ABC 3 Controlling the ABC Window Overview=IDH_Controlling_the_ABC_Window 3 Bringing ABC or a Chart to the Front=IDH_Bringing_ABC_or_a_Chart_to_the_Front 3 Minimizing, Maximizing, and Restoring a Window=IDH_Minimizing_Maximizing_and_Restoring 3 Arranging ABC Icons=IDH_Arranging_ABC_Icons 3 Arranging ABC Charts=IDH_Arranging_ABC_Charts 3 Positioning and Resizing the ABC Window=IDH_Positioning_and_Resizing_the_ABC_Window 3 Changing the ABC Title Bar=IDH_Changing_the_ABC_Title_Bar 3 Changing the ABC Status Bar=IDH_Changing_the_ABC_Status_Bar 3 Displaying the Field Viewer, Notes Viewer, and Shape Palette=IDH_Displaying_the_Viewers 3 Getting ABC System Information=IDH_Getting_ABC_System_Information 3 Closing ABC=IDH_Closing_ABC 3 Window Handles=IDH_Window_Handles 2 Customizing Preferences and Setting Defaults 3 Customizing Preferences Overview=IDH_Customizing_Preferences 3 Alignment Options=IDH_Alignment_Options 3 Line Options=IDH_Line_Options 3 Indicator Options=IDH_Indicator_Options 3 Field Options=IDH_Field_Options 3 Setting Preferences=IDH_Setting_Preferences 3 Setting Defaults=IDH_Setting_Defaults 2 Customizing ABC 3 Customizing ABC Overview=IDH_Customizing_ABC 3 Adding Menus=IDH_Adding_Menus 3 Adding Other Applications to the Menu=IDH_Adding_Buttons 3 Providing Feedback=IDH_Providing_Feedback 3 Displaying Help=IDH_Displaying_Help 1 Handling ABC Events 2 What Are ABC Events?=IDH_What_Are_ABC_Events 2 Registering Event Procedures=IDH_Registering_Event_Procedures 2 Registering Events and Multiple ABC Applications=IDH_Registering_Events 2 Event Variables=IDH_Event_Variables 2 When ABC Closes=IDH_When_ABC_Closes 2 When Add-On Menus Open=IDH_When_Add_On_Menus_Open 2 When MenuItems Are Highlighted=IDH_When_MenuItems_Are_Highlighted 2 When MenuItems Are Chosen=IDH_When_MenuItems_Are_Chosen 2 When Charts Open=IDH_When_Charts_Open 2 When Linked Charts Open=IDH_When_Linked_Charts_Open 2 When New Charts Are Created=IDH_When_New_Charts_Are_Created 2 When Charts Are Activated=IDH_When_Charts_Are_Activated 2 When Charts Change=IDH_When_Charts_Change 2 When Charts Are Pasted=IDH_When_Charts_Are_Pasted 2 When Charts Close=IDH_When_Charts_Close 2 When Objects Are Clicked=IDH_When_Objects_Are_Clicked 2 When Objects Are Selected=IDH_When_Objects_Are_Selected 2 When Objects Move=IDH_When_Objects_Move 2 When Objects Are Resized=IDH_When_Objects_Are_Resized 2 When Objects Are Deleted=IDH_When_Objects_Are_Deleted 2 When Shapes Are Double Clicked=IDH_When_Shapes_Are_Double_Clicked 2 When Shapes Are Drawn=IDH_When_Shapes_Are_Drawn 2 When Shapes Are Replaced=IDH_When_Shapes_Are_Replaced 2 When Lines Are Drawn=IDH_When_Lines_Are_Drawn 2 When Lines Attach=IDH_When_Lines_Attach 2 When Fonts Change=IDH_When_Fonts_Change 2 When Field Values Change=IDH_When_Field_Values_Change 2 When Special Keys Are Pressed=IDH_When_Special_Keys_Are_Pressed 2 When Text Changes=IDH_When_Text_Changes 1 Working with Chart Files 2 Opening and Closing Charts 3 Creating New Charts=IDH_Creating_New_Charts 3 Opening Charts Overview=IDH_Opening_Charts 3 Setting a Default Path for Charts=IDH_Setting_a_Default_Path_for_Charts 3 Identifying a Chart's Filename=IDH_Identifying_a_Chart_s_Filename 3 Saving Charts Overview=IDH_Saving_Charts 3 Reverting to the Last Saved Version=IDH_Reverting_to_the_Last_Saved_Version 3 Read-Only Charts=IDH_Read_Only_Charts 3 Closing Charts=IDH_Closing_Charts 3 Activating a Chart=IDH_Activating_a_Chart 3 Protecting Charts=IDH_Protecting_Charts 2 Linking and Launching 3 Linking Charts Overview=IDH_Linking_Charts 3 Linking Shapes to Other Charts=IDH_Linking_Shapes_to_Other_Charts 3 Creating Group Links=IDH_Creating_Group_Links 3 Opening a Linked Chart=IDH_Opening_a_Linked_Chart 3 Choosing Link Indicators=IDH_Choosing_Link_Indicators 3 Linking EXEs to Charts=IDH_Linking_EXEs_to_Charts 3 Launching Applications Overview=IDH_Launching_Applications1 3 Setting Shapes to Launch Applications=IDH_Setting_Shapes_to_Launch_Applications 3 Launching Applications=IDH_Launching_Applications2 2 Chart Options 3 Printing Charts=IDH_Printing_Charts 3 Sending Electronic Mail=IDH_Sending_Electronic_Mail 3 Adjusting the Page Layout=IDH_Adjusting_the_Page_Layout 3 Displaying Master Items=IDH_Displaying_Master_Items 3 Viewing a Chart=IDH_Viewing_a_Chart 3 Giving a Presentation=IDH_Giving_a_Presentation 3 Using Guidelines=IDH_Using_Guidelines 3 Defining Measurement Units for a Chart=IDH_Defining_Measurement_Units_for_a_Chart 1 Working with Objects 2 Identifying an Object=IDH_Identifying_an_Object 2 Finding the Number of Items Overview=IDH_Finding_the_Number_of_Items 2 Finding the Total Number of Objects=IDH_Finding_the_Total_Number_of_Objects 2 Finding the Number of Objects Selected=IDH_Finding_the_Number_of_Objects_Selected 2 Finding Objects in a Chart=IDH_Finding_Objects_in_a_Chart 2 Selecting Objects in a Chart=IDH_Selecting_Objects_in_a_Chart 2 Moving Objects=IDH_Moving_Objects 2 Arranging Objects=IDH_Arranging_Objects 2 Resizing Objects=IDH_Resizing_Objects 2 Changing the Display Order of Objects=IDH_Changing_the_Display_Order_of_Objects 2 Setting the Current Drawing Position=IDH_Setting_the_Current_Drawing_Position 2 Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Objects=IDH_Cutting_Copying_and_Pasting_Objects 2 Using Special Clipboard Formats=IDH_Using_Special_Clipboard_Formats 2 Duplicating Objects=IDH_Duplicating_Objects 2 Clearing Selected Objects=IDH_Clearing_Selected_Objects 2 Restoring Objects=IDH_Restoring_Objects 2 Using OLE Client Objects=IDH_Using_OLE_Client_Objects 2 Restoring OLE Objects=IDH_Restoring_OLE_Objects 2 Undoing Actions=IDH_Undoing_Actions 2 Formatting Objects=IDH_ApplyDefaults_Method 1 Working with Shapes 2 Using Shapes 3 Drawing Shapes=IDH_Drawing_Shapes 3 Adding Text to Shapes=IDH_Adding_Text_to_Shapes 3 Fitting Shapes to Text=IDH_Fitting_Shapes_to_Text 3 Numbering Shapes=IDH_Numbering_Shapes 3 Formatting Shape Numbers=IDH_Formatting_Shape_Numbers 3 Hiding Shape Numbers=IDH_Hiding_Shape_Numbers 3 Fill, Border, and Shadow Colors=IDH_Fill_Border_and_Shadow_Colors 3 Fill Pattern=IDH_Fill_Pattern 3 Border Style and Width=IDH_Border_Style_and_Width 3 Shadow Style and Width=IDH_Shadow_Style_and_Width 3 Replacing Shapes=IDH_Replacing_Shapes 3 Selecting Shapes=IDH_Selecting_Shapes 3 Deselecting Shapes=IDH_Deselecting_Shapes 2 Using the Shape Palette 3 Using the Shape Palette Overview=IDH_Using_the_Shape_Palette 3 Displaying and Hiding the Shape Palette=IDH_Displaying_and_Hiding_the_Shape_Palette 3 Opening a Different Shape Palette=IDH_Opening_a_Different_Shape_Palette 3 Choosing a Shape in the Palette=IDH_Choosing_a_Shape_in_the_Palette 2 Working with Notes 3 Opening the Note Window=IDH_Opening_the_Note_Window 3 Attaching a Note to a Shape=IDH_Attaching_a_Note_to_a_Shape 3 Choosing Note Indicators=IDH_Choosing_Note_Indicators 3 Formatting Note Text=IDH_Formatting_Note_Text 3 Printing Notes=IDH_Printing_Notes 1 Working with Lines 2 Drawing Lines 3 Drawing Lines Overview=IDH_Drawing_Lines 3 Drawing Unconnected Lines=IDH_Drawing_Unconnected_Lines 3 Drawing Lines to One Shape=IDH_Drawing_Lines_to_One_Shape 3 Drawing Lines that Connect Shapes=IDH_Drawing_Lines_that_Connect_Shapes 3 Connecting Existing Lines to Shapes=IDH_Connecting_Existing_Lines_to_Shapes 3 Setting Line Routing=IDH_Setting_Line_Routing 3 Attaching Text to Lines=IDH_Attaching_Text_to_Lines 3 Deleting Lines=IDH_Deleting_Lines 2 Formatting Lines 3 Formatting Lines Overview=IDH_Formatting_Lines 3 Line Color=IDH_Line_Color 3 Line Width=IDH_Line_Width 3 Line Style=IDH_Line_Style 3 End Styles=IDH_End_Styles 3 Displaying Nodes on Connecting Lines=IDH_Displaying_Nodes_on_Connecting_Lines 3 Setting Line Crossovers=IDH_Setting_Line_Crossovers 1 Working with Text 2 Creating Text Blocks=IDH_Creating_Text_Blocks 2 Adding Text to a Shape=IDH_Adding_Text_to_a_Shape 2 Sizing Shapes to Text=IDH_Sizing_Shapes_to_Text 2 Adding Notes to a Shape=IDH_Adding_Notes_to_a_Shape 2 Attaching Text to a Line=IDH_Attaching_Text_to_a_Line 2 Unattaching Text from a Line=IDH_Unattaching_Text_from_a_Line 2 Formatting Text Overview=IDH_Formatting_Text 2 Text Typeface and Size=IDH_Text_Typeface_and_Size 2 Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough=IDH_Bold_Italic_Underline_and_Strikethrough 2 Text Color=IDH_Text_Color 2 Text Background=IDH_Text_Background 2 Text Alignment=IDH_Text_Alignment 2 Checking Spelling=IDH_Checking_Spelling 2 Finding and Replacing Text=IDH_Finding_Text 1 Working with Fields 2 Adding Data Fields to a Chart=IDH_Adding_Data_Fields_to_a_Chart 2 Changing Data Field Attributes=IDH_Changing_Data_Field_Attributes 2 Deleting Data Fields from a Chart=IDH_Deleting_Data_Fields_from_a_Chart 2 Setting Data Field Preferences=IDH_Setting_Data_Field_Preferences 2 Working with Data Field Values=IDH_Working_with_Data_Field_Values 2 Knowing When Data Fields Change=IDH_Knowing_When_Data_Fields_Change 2 Opening the Field Viewer=IDH_Opening_the_Field_Viewer 2 Viewing the Legend=IDH_Viewing_the_Legend 2 Using Linked Field Data=IDH_Using_Linked_Field_Data 1 Using Color 2 Setting shape colors=IDH_Setting_Shape_Colors 2 Setting line colors=IDH_Setting_Line_Colors 2 Setting text colors=IDH_Setting_Text_Colors 2 Color representation 3 Color Constants Description=IDH_Color_Constants_Description 3 BasicColor Method Description=IDH_BasicColor_Method_Description 3 RGB Values=IDH_RGB_Values 3 Color Double Values=IDH_Color_Double_Values 3 Color Equivalents=IDH_Color_Equivalents 1 Language Reference 2 Language Reference Overview=IDH_Reference_Chapter 2 Properties, alphabetical=IDH_Properties 2 Methods, alphabetical=IDH_Methods 2 Objects, alphabetical=IDH_Objects_Alphabetical 2 Objects, graphical=IDH_Objects_Graphical 2 Events, alphabetical=IDH_Events_List 2 All Properties, Methods, Objects, and Events, alphabetical=IDH_All_Properties_Methods_Objects 2 Properties and Methods by Task=IDH_Properties_and_Methods_by_Task 2 ABC Menu Command equivalents=IDH_ABC_Command_Equivalents 1 ABC Objects 2 ABC Object Hierarchy Chart=IDH_Objects_Graphical 2 Application Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Application_Object 2 Chart Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Chart_Object 2 Charts Collection Properties and Methods=IDH_Charts_Collection 2 FieldTemplate Object Properties and Methods=IDH_FieldTemplate_Object 2 FieldTemplates Collection Properties and Methods=IDH_FieldTemplates_Collection 2 FieldValue Object Properties and Methods=IDH_FieldValue_Object 2 FieldValues Collection Properties and Methods=IDH_FieldValues_Collection 2 Font Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Font_Object 2 Line_ Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Line_Object 2 MasterItems Object Properties and Methods=IDH_MasterItems_Object 2 Menu Collection Properties and Methods=IDH_Menu_Collection 2 MenuItem Object Properties and Methods=IDH_MenuItem_Object 2 Object Object Properties and Methods=IDH_ABC_Object 2 Objects Collection Properties and Methods=IDH_ABC_Objects_Collection 2 OLE Object Properties and Methods=IDH_OLE_Object 2 PageLayout Object Properties and Methods=IDH_PageLayout_Object 2 Preferences Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Preferences_Object 2 Shape Object Properties and Methods=IDH_Shape_Object 2 TextBlock Object Properties and Methods=IDH_TextBlock_Object 1 Menu Command Equivalents 2 Table of Equivalents=IDH_ABC_Command_Equivalents 1 Properties and Methods by Task 2 Tasks: Setting up the Application=IDH_Tasks_Setting_up_the_Application 2 Tasks: Working with Chart Files=IDH_Working_with_Chart_Files 2 Tasks: Working with Objects=IDH_Working_with_Objects 2 Tasks: Working with Shapes=IDH_Working_with_Shapes 2 Tasks: Working with Lines=IDH_Working_with_Lines 2 Tasks: Working with Text=IDH_Working_with_Text 2 Tasks: Working with Data Fields=IDH_Working_with_Data_Fields 2 Tasks: Using Color=IDH_Using_Color 2 Tasks: Customizing Menus=IDH_Customizing_Menus 2 Tasks: Special Programming Features=IDH_Special_Programming_Features 1 ABC Features Not Automated 2 Importing Files in Other Formats=IDH_Importing_Files_in_Other_Formats 2 Printing to a File=IDH_Printing_to_a_File 2 Saving a Workspace=IDH_Saving_a_Workspace 2 Special Shape Properties=IDH_Special_Shape_Properties 2 Editing Shapes in the Shape Palette=IDH_Editing_Shapes_in_the_Shape_Palette 2 Setting Preferences for the Shape Palette=IDH_Setting_Preferences_for_the_Shape_Palette 2 Moving Guidelines=IDH_Moving_Guidelines 2 Opening ABC 1.x Files=IDH_Opening_ABC_1_x_Files 2 Using Mixed Fonts=IDH_Using_Mixed_Fonts 2 Drawing Certain Lines=IDH_Drawing_Certain_Lines 1 Using C++ with ABC OLE Automation 2 C++ Sample=IDH_C_Sample 2 Using C++=IDH_Using_C 2 C++: Creating an Application Object=IDH_C_Creating_an_Application_Object 2 C++: Events=IDH_C_Events 2 C++: Notes=IDH_C_Notes